Much of California is arid and subject to frequent droughts. Consumer water conservation requirements inevitably follow extended droughts. Increasing average temperatures will also increase the likelihood of droughts.
Recent CA Water Efficiency Legislation targets 55 gallon daily per person until 2025, 52.5 gallons from 2025-2030, and 50 gallons beginning in 2030.
Residential home water use reduction and reclamation technology is relatively mature, and can result in reducing home water consumption by more than 50%. The US Government’s Energy Star program qualifies water consumption efficiency for appliances. There is existing consumer demand for these systems. It is estimated that there are more than 1.2 million illegal Grey-water Systems in CA. Many modern homes are equipped with some form of Grey-water, and or Rainwater Capture systems. CA Law provides for numerous options for legal Grey-water and Rainwater collection systems